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95% Increase Potassium in Body, Star Fruit

Neuroscience (Neurosciences French word) is a term that appeared in early 1970 which defines all brain sciences (neurobiology, psychophysiology, psychobiology, neuroetologia, psychopathology, neurophilosophy etc.). Term trend reveals the integration of efforts in the field, more pronounced in the US than in Europe. It is developing current cognitive neuroscience, which is trying to coordinate or integrate with cognitive psychology: psychophysiology, neurobiology and psychobiology.
Word neuroscience is relatively new, the former neuroscience being founded only in 1970. As a field, neuroscience deals with the structure, function, neuro-evolutionism, development, genetics, biochemistry, physiology, pharmacology, informational, computational neuroscience and pathology of the nervous system. Traditionally it has been seen as a branch of biology. However, recent contributions and interest in several disciplines such as cognitive psychology, computer science, statistics, physics and medicine have led to an interdisciplinary approach to the field.
Neuroscience now includes any systematic investigation, scientific, experimental and theoretical system of central and / or peripheral nervous of any biological organism. Empirical methodologies used by researchers in the field have expanded enormously, from biochemical and genetic analysis of neuron dynamics and molecular constituents to the graphic representations of brain activities.
Forensic psychology and all neuroscience are used in the holistic center. 
Traditional medicine is always recommended to everyone to solve medical problems. Various herbs can be found, one of them is sweet star fruit is one of them. It can lower blood pressure, reduce GIT problem, and is a good antioxidant. The fruit it contains potassium, whose function is diuretic and lowers blood pressure. One of the researches that we propose for discussion is researching the use of sweet star fruit because fruit can lower blood pressure. Holistic approach was based on research in this aspect. The analysis used data was performed using SPSS software.
In addition, that help in lowering hypertension, sweet star fruits  are also used to treat diabetes, paralysis and dizziness. The leaves are used to treat cancer, and the flowers can be used to treat toothaches.
Star fruit
The test showed significant decrease in systolic blood pressure.
In addition, that help in lowering hypertension, sweet star fruits  are also used to treat diabetes, paralysis and dizziness. The leaves are used to treat cancer, and the flowers can be used to treat toothaches.
The effectiveness of diuretic for the blood pressure derived from the effects of increased secretion of sodium, chloride and water, which ultimately decreases the volume of blood and extracellular fluid. In addition, the amount of potassium from fruits stars, causing an increase in total  potassium in body.
The total increase of potassium in body concentration causes an increase in the intracellular fluid and extracellular ions resulting in withdrawal intracellular. This leads to a decrease in extracellular volume and simultaneously lowering blood pressure.
Holistic approach was based on research in this aspect. The analysis used data was performed using SPSS software. The test showed significant decrease in systolic blood pressure.
Star fruit

Research on the effectiveness sweet star fruit (Carambola, Averrhoa L.), demonstrated that fruit contains many properties including high levels of fiber, which can be used in digestion and lowering cholesterol, vitamin A and C are antioxidants that may prevent cancer. Also, after increasing the high content of potassium in body, pectin fiber from sweet star fruit helps in lower blood pressure. Potassium in body (positively charged ion), many can be found in the cell and represented 95% of potassium in the intracellular fluid. The role of potassium chloride and the acid is to maintain the osmotic pressure of the intracellular fluid.
Providing fresh star fruit juice lowers blood pressure significantly.
Many of those who consume sweet squash star faces dizziness and nausea, and also may experience drowsiness after consuming this juice star sweet this reason, it is good to use with caution, especially people suffering from kidney failure.
 Article write by Liliana Ștefania

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