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Vitamin b17, apricot kernels

Naturopathy is part of this natural medicine. Whit natural medicine of course is present natural remedies like herbs remedies. 
New medicine, include on her list with herb remedies, subject of my article.
Lung cancer treatment vitamin b17, apricot kernels
apricot kernels
Since cancer kidnapped me from me the one who gave me life, I became obsessed with finding remedies that could help in healing this cruel disease. Recent studies indicate that vitamin B17 would have beneficial effects in fighting cancer cells, stimulating the immune system to eliminate them from the body.
Apricot kernels containing abundant Vitamin B17, also known as "amygdaline (laetrile).
Vitamin B17, controversial and not recognized by the medical world, it contained just by foods rich in nutrients: buckwheat, oats, rye, barley, brown rice, white beans, peas, broccoli, cabbage ordinary cabbage eggplant / tomato, cauliflower, spinach , bitter almonds, zucchini, sweet potatoes, black currants, raspberries, grapes, red onions, red wine, eggplant seeds and kernels from cobs apricots, peaches, pears, plums.

Among alternative cancer treatments, we can mentioned on new cancer treatments: prostate cancer treatment, lung cancer treatment, colon cancer treatments, pancreatic cancer treatment. 
Lung cancer treatment vitamin b17, apricot kernels
apricot kernels

Alternative cancer therapy is one big step  on new cancer therapy in many studies about alternative brain cancer treatment, with this researchers try to solve this invasive, incurable and ruthless disease.
Vitamin extracted from bitter almonds, and was known in ancient Egypt and China as the amygdaline. In terms of its usefulness in treating legends say that an Egyptian papyrus dated back more than five thousand years mentioned its use in the treatment of skin tumors, and among some Native American tribes who were frequently drink made from cobs, which are rich in laetrile, there has been no case of cancer.
Lung cancer treatment vitamin b17, apricot kernels
apricot kernels
According to the doctor biochemist Ernest Krebs, cancer is a disease caused by a nutritional deficiency, rather than a bacterium, a virus, or a toxin mysterious. After years of research, biochemist concluded that the most serious diseases are caused by the absence of a substance that modern man has removed it from his diet, namely vitamin B17 or amygdaline sometimes known as the laetrile. Therefore, cancer prevention, he proposes, according to results of studies, that each person consume bitter apricot kernels ten daily.
Naturopathy or naturopathic medicine is a form of alternative medicine that uses a wide range of ways of "natural", including homeopathy, herbalism, acupuncture, and diet and lifestyle counseling. Naturopaths favors a holistic approach to non-invasive treatment and generally avoid the use of surgery and drugs. Naturopathic medicine contains many pseudoscientific concepts and is considered ineffective and can be harmful, which raises ethical. Naturopaths have been repeatedly accused of practicing quacks and quackery.
But, Biochemist Dr. Ernest Krebs was first isolated in 1950, Vitamin B17. When digested, this vitamin is decomposed into glucose, benzaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide. These compounds can kill cancer cells in much the same way  do chemotherapy.
As a chemical structure, vitamin B17 is a combination of two molecules of glucose, one of benzaldehyde and one of the hydrogen cyanide and the prescriptions amygdalin is known as nitrilozida Vitamina - "miracle" can be used in therapy, not only prophylactic. Although in many places is considered an unconventional lung cancer treatment with vitamin B17 is now possible to clinics in countries like England, Germany, Mexico, Switzerland and others, and the price of treatment varies between 2,000 and 5,000 dollars.

For breast cancer and treatment for lung cancer, apricot kernels belts are recommended for periods of up to one month, with two-week break between them.
In colon cancer treatment is recommended, in particular, the consumption of fresh apricots, they contain pectin, a soluble dietary fiber. Pay attention to the amount of pips you consume. Because they contain small amounts of cyanide breaks between courses is recommended, and a moderate daily consumption.
Lung cancer treatment vitamin b17, apricot kernels
apricot kernels
Frequent consumption, a moderate amount, but in the course of a few days, apricot kernels can do wonders on your health. High protein content, fatty acids, and vitamins (A, C, B) and minerals such as iron and magnesium from apricot kernels miracles on lung cancer treatment of patients. Apricot kernels destroy cancer it said by some people in domain.
Article write by Liliana Ștefania

This article have character informational about benefits of vitamin B17 


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