In the last years, it has grown more and more holistic medicine like alternative medicine this is treated body, mind, spirit, and emotion. Naturopathy is part of this natural medicine. Whit natural medicine of course is presented with natural remedies like wormwood herb uses. The new medicine, include on her list with herb remedies, subject of my article. Sweet wormwood (Artemisia annua) is a plant native to China and is part of the Asteraceae family. There are around 180 species of wormwood. Sweet wormwood reaches heights of over 2 m. Sweet wormwood Artemisia annua is used in Alternative medicines - traditional Chinese medicine for 2,000 years to treat fever and malaria. Researchers argue and proved sweet wormwood was found to contain several active substances including artemisinin. ,,Artemisinin" is the concentrated plant extract "Artemisia annua" (sweet wormwood), wormwood has among other properties, namely remove...
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