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Sweet potato Nutrition


Potato or sweet potato, which one is your favorite? You probably like both types of potatoes if you've already tried them.

I, I'm the person who definitely use both these vegetables in different recipes.

For those who want to know more about the sweet potato, I will mention that it is scientifically called Ipomoea Batatas and from this group of plants we find several varieties of sweet potatoes.

Sweet Potato
Sweet Potato

The sweet potato appears to have originated in Central America, the Yucatan Peninsula, where the Orinoco River forms in Venezuela.

He, the sweet potato, was discovered, domesticated and cultivated more than 5000 years ago.

The plant prefers warm and tropical areas, but greenhouse cultivation can help it grow, it depends on the person who wants to grow the sweet potato.

From the Ipomoea Batatas plant, the tubers, which we call potatoes, are usually eaten, but in some countries even its leaves are eaten as a vegetable.

The sweet potato comes in a wide range of colors, including white, yellow, orange, pink, purple or brown sweet potatoes.

Of all these sweet potato varieties, the white sweet potato is less sweet than other sweet potato varieties, and lends itself well to a multitude of recipes.

Some of the consumers of sweet potatoes claim not to remove their thin skin by washing well, because they are said to have a generous content of fiber, potassium and the exceptionally well-known and beneficial antioxidant called quercitin.

Sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes

Personally, I tend to use the classic method of cooking this kind of food.


This type of potato has an exceptionally beneficial nutrition and an incredibly good option to be part, along with other foods, of the everyday food.

A fashionable thing, let's say, that recommends it is the number of calories per 100 grams that it contains when cooked, iron or baked, of about 100 calories.

Of course, if we choose to fry it, the number of calories will be higher.

Vitamins A, C and E from sweet potatoes are our allies for a better life, of course alongside optimal daily nutrition and to our liking.

Sweet potatoes also contain vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, pantothenic acid, fibers, proteins, but also minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc,

In the yellow and orange sweet potato we find an important source of beta-carotene, known as a precursor of vitamin A, a powerful antioxidant that gives color to this versatile vegetable.

Anthocyanidins are a well-known bioactive flavonoid among the phytochemicals found in plants.

This type of phytochemical is also found in the purple sweet potato and gives this type of sweet potato a plethora of beneficial properties.

If orange and yellow potatoes are remarkably rich in vitamin A, purple and pink sweet potatoes stand out for their rich antioxidant content.

Worth noting, for those who prefer potato, is the fact that this type of yellow and orange sweet potato has 19 times more vitamin A content, contains more folic acid and also more vitamin C.

However, it should be remembered that vitamin C as content will change through cooking.

From the white sweet potato, starch popularly known as "sweet potato flour" is obtained, which some people use in various culinary preparations, for the taste and aroma it gives to those culinary recipes.

Sweet Potato
Sweet Potato

The rich content of fiber, antioxidants and phytonutrients places sweet potatoes on the list of healthy foods as they can be prepared fried, boiled, steamed, baked or added to cakes, puddings or other innovative and versatile culinary networks.

Article written by

Liliana Ștefania


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