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How to eat Jackfruit seeds. Jackfruits seeds benefits and uses

What are Jackfruit seeds? The Jackfruit we all know and many of us enjoy the taste of the biggest world fruit. Also, the seeds of Jackfruits aren't just edible but full of delicious nutritional content. The Jackfruit seeds can help us by offering us a portion of good food. Jackfruit seeds, cooked or baked, are a delight, they are a healthy snack to enjoy. Jackfruit seeds Phytochemical and Nutrient Content of Jackfruit Seeds Saponins are probably well known to many of you for their medicinal uses. Well, in the phytochemical content of jackfruit seeds we find 6.32 grams of saponins per 100 grams of jackfruit seeds.

Dragon Fruit Nutrition and Health Benefits

Did you know that v egetables and fruits bring a substantial contribution to nutrition? Besides being flavorful and colorful fruit helps the body to stay healthy. One of these fruits is the dragon fruit. An exotic fruit with a unique form, belonging to a species of climber cactus, and with plenty of health benefits. The dragon fruit has black seeds and can be round or oval. The dragon fruit or Pitaya is three kinds: with red skin and red flesh, with red or pink skin and white pulp, or with yellow skin and white pulp.

How to Ginger, Apple, Lemon Juice recipe

Fruits and vegetables have many benefits. They bring us the necessity of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients beneficial. Fresh fruits and vegetables have better nutritional content than freeze-dried fruits and vegetables. Also, we can tell that kind of freeze-dried fruits and vegetables aren't good but are processed.  In special in some countries not all the year they can have fresh fruits or vegetables. So, when we can get fresh fruits and vegetables, we can prepare some recipes to get the nutritional content and benefit from that.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil for Amazing Benefits

One of the most amazing recipe with health benefits from 2001-2002 I learnend from my friend in that time, was a such experince for me at that time. Lemon and olive oil are among the wonderful foods that bring dozens of health benefits. The richest source of monounsaturated fats is olive oil. Lemon and Olive Oil This oil is a natural juice that preserves the taste, aroma, vitamins, and curative properties of the olives. At the same time, this is the only unprocessed vegetable oil, freshly pressed from olives. Rich in vitamin C, calcium, iron, protein, sodium, carbohydrates, and sugars, lemon juice is effective and beneficial for human health. These two food have a good nutrient content and many uses. Olive oil was used a long time ago for massage or beauty care. In olive oil, we find vitamins like vitamin E and K, sodium, potassium, calcium, and iron.  The amount of these minerals and vitamins in the olive oil is  All you need is a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil and thr...

Acmella paniculata an amazing plant

Acmella paniculata The toothache plant or Acmella paniculata is an annual plant. When a toothache appears, all we need is a rapid solution to reduce the pain until we get to the doctor. One of the natural and fast solutions for teeth pain is the wonder plant used by the Amazonian tribal doctors, but also by the Asian traditional medicine, the plant called toothache plant. The leaves are opposite, simple petiolate up to 6.5 centimeters long. Discoid flowers reach up to 2.5 inches long. The fruit of the plant is achene. The beautiful yellow flowers deliver a salty-peppery taste and are used as a toothache remedy. In fact, the whole plant is acrid in flavor. The use of this natural treatment for tooth pain produces no side effects identified for the time being. The toothache plant contains essential oils, spilanthol, acmellonate, alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, and saponins. Spilanthol is a fatty acid amide from toothache plants and it is believed to be responsible for the l...

Miracle Leaf Plant That You Never Knew

Miracle Leaf (Kalanchoe Pinnata) Because the plant has healing properties, it is often called "green pharmacy", "flower of life", “Miracle Leaf”, “Leaf of Life” and "house doctor in a flower pot". Kalanchoe pinnata, and it is also known as Bryophyllum pinnatum and Cotyledon pinnata. One of the popular beliefs is that in the house where this plant is cultivated, people are healthy. The curative properties of this succulent plant have been known since ancient times, leaf juice being considered a real elixir for health. The Leaf of Life plant contains over 200 species and is planted both as a decorative plant and as a medicinal plant. The herb contains have a rich content of active compounds, including alkaloids, triterpenes, glycosides, flavonoids, steroids, cardenolides, bufadienolides, lipids, and organic acids. Its nutrition is amazing the plant contains 89.3% palmitic acid, 10.7% stearic acid, oxalic acid, citric acid, malic acid glycine, and cysteine....

Elder Pepper Good for What

Elder Pepper ( Peperomia pellucida ) Pepper Elder like many other herbs has been replaced by modern medicine but it still continues to have its purpose in alternative medicine. It is used both as a vegetable, but also as a medicinal plant from ancient times. This plant possesses antiseptic , anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties. 100 grams of the plant contain 10.63 grams Protein, 3.24 grams lipid, 46.58 grams of Carbohydrates, 258 grams Calories, 6977 milligrams Potassium, 483 milligrams Calcium, 119.3 milligrams iron, 53.92 milligrams sodium, 3.10 milligrams Copper, and 12.59 milligrams Zinc. So, this plant is a good source of dietary fiber and iron. The elder Pepper is usually grown as vegetables or as ornamental plants due to its strange flowers that occur throughout the year. The plant is easy to grow and cook, also is nutritious and tasty. To prepare the tea you need a handful of fresh pepper elder plant including the roots and 4 glasses of water. Wash thoroughly...

Java Plum Amazing Health Benefits of Its Leaves

One of the plants used due to their benefits  is Syzygium cumini, known as Java plum or Jamblang plum.   Other names of this plant are Jambolan plum, black plum, jamun, Indian blackberry, Portuguese plum. This tree grows in tropical and subtropical areas and can reach a height of 10-20 meters. The mature leaves of the Java Plum tree are green, oval to elliptical in shape, and are glossy, with a length between 6 and 12 centimeters. The young ones have a pinkish color. The flowers are fragrant, greenish-white, and grow in clusters. The fruits, which are actually berries, are dark purple, edible, and have a single seed. Java Plum, Jambolan, Syzygium cumini Although these fruits resemble the shape of grapes, their taste is different. In the last 4 decades, there is a lot of evidence in traditional medicine but also scientific, which proves that this plant has benefits. Gall extracts from Jamblang leaves are used in medicine, in various foods but also as a nutraceutic...

What is breadfruit leaf good for?

Breadfruit leaf Plants that live around us have many benefits.  Arthocarpus altilis known also, as the breadfruit tree.   Breadfruit leaves can be used as a natural treatment they contain therein.   The leaves contain Potassium, which has beneficial potential. The chemical composition of breadfruit leaves is very useful for the healing of many kinds of affections.  This article has an informational character so before beginning an alternative cure with plants presented, you must inform your doctor. Not only is the fruit well known as the healthiest vegetable, but the leaf of the breadfruit tree also has many health benefits. Breadfruit leaf contains substances such as essential amino acids, riboflavin, hydrocyanate, acetylcholine, tannin, and polyphenols.   To prepare the breadfruit leaves tea you should use only dark green leaves picked from the tree.  The leaves' dark green compounds are in richest in this kind of leaves compared with light gree...

A must know recipe with healthy foods

Aloe Vera is an extraordinary detoxifier due to its alkaline content and an incredible number of nutrients and active substances. Its gel contains over 200 active ingredients, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, polysaccharides, fatty acids, acemannan a D-isomer mucopolysaccharide, and amino acids. Also, in gel, we found a lot of nutrients such as vitamins: B1, B2, B6, B9, C, and E. Also, the Aloe Vera gel contains the minerals calcium, chromium, chlorine, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, and zinc. Basil seeds are known, worldwide, as the main ingredient in many Asian sweet drinks. This seed contains protein, iron, and vitamin K, which provide nutrients to the skin and hair health. Because the fibers in their composition basil seed favor good digestion. It is best to soak basil seeds, before using them, to ensure that their digestive enzymes are fully released. Orange helps the assimilation of food when we have difficulties digesting the...

Why The Tea of Pandan leaf is effective

 In recent years, there are more studies come and confirm that the tea of Pandan leaf is effective. Pandan or Pandanus amaryllifolius is a green color shrub, he could reach 1-2 meters in height. Its stems are round and its leaves same blade-like narrow that spans 60-80centimmeters and its roots are woody. 100 grams of Pandan leaves contains 3 milligrams of beta-carotene, 8 milligrams of vitamin C, 0.2 milligrams of vitamin B12, 1.2 milligrams of calcium, 1.2 milligrams of calcium. 124 milligrams, iron 0.1 milligrams, phosphorus 27 milligrams. Pandan tea Also the same among contains 4.6 grams of carbohydrates, 1.9 grams of protein, and 35 calories. Due to its several compounds such as essential oils, tocopherols, tocotrienols, alkaloid fatty acids, esters non-specific lipid transfer protein, and carotenoids and flavonoids, the Pandan leaf has many health benefits. The major flavonoid of Pandan leaves is quercetin, which belongs to a flavonol class.   The tea should b...

What Are Garlic Chives -garlic Without Smell

An aromatic plant with a look and taste between chives and garlic, garlic chives known also as Garlic chive is rich in nutrients and is a food you should enter into your list of healthy foods. Unlike chives or garlic, although it has its flavor, it is not so intense, so from the point of view of the smell chive garlic is a good alternative to consider. Garlic Chives  Garlic chives are a low calories food but high in beneficial nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. One tablespoon of chopped garlic chives provides 1 calorie, less than 1 gram of fat, protein, carbohydrate, 3 percent of the daily required intake of vitamins A and C. Also, contain folate, niacin, riboflavin and thiamin and iron. A similar amount of garlic chives contains choline, 6.4 micrograms of vitamin K, 3 micrograms of folate, 3 milligrams of calcium, 1 milligram of magnesium, 2 milligrams of phosphorus, and 9 milligrams of potassium. Garlic chives contain allicin ,  a natural constitue...

An Special Effective No Stains Turmeric

Do you know that over 20% of the medicines prescribed worldwide come from plants? Also, the majority people in the world relies on traditional herbal medicine as the primary source of treatment. This special turmeric is rare and seasonal plant native to India and Indonesia but now is naturalized also in Europe and America. The green leaves have brownish purple veins, while the bottom of the leaf is bright green. The plant has red with white flowers, and its root has white meat and its center is light yellow. The large and fleshy rhizomes are usually cut into small pieces and dried. The white turmeric has a warm-spicy, woody and camphoraceous, cineolic odor that resembles with the Kweni mango, more prone and bitter. This turmeric is known as zedoary, white turmeric, Luya-luyahan, Amba Haldi, gajutsu or kentjur. White turmeric can be used fresh, dry or pickled in as spice in many dishes or salads. The curcuminoid, sesquiterpenes procurcumenol and epiprocurcumenol found in white turmeric ...

The World's Healthiest Vegetable and You Are Probably NOT Eating Yet!

You are probably not yet eating even this healthiest vegetable known worldwide. Healthy food and natural treatment since ancient, this green veggie is rich in nutrients and antioxidants which bring many health benefits. The iron content of this food is considerably higher than spinach, has more calcium than milk, and has more vitamin C than an orange.  Watercress offers us 72% of recommended daily dose of Vitamin C, and 64% of recommended daily dose of Vitamin A. Also, rich content of manganese from watercress as food and natural treatment from Hypocrites time this aquatic plant is full with nutrients and has many health benefits. One serving of 100 grams of watercress contains 11 calories, 2 grams’ proteins, and 1 gram of carbohydrates.  All these place watercress as an ideal option as healthiest food. This plant grew in Europe, Asia, and Central America for thousands of years but not many people heard or know this plant or its benefits. Watercress contains more tha...

What happens if you eat papaya seeds every day

Many of us love Asian food recipes, including papaya, but not many of you knew that seeds papaya are very useful and can be consumed in various dishes (steak, salad, etc.). Ways to eat or how to eat papaya seeds are many,  uses of papaya seeds are many also. Seeds papaya are very useful and can be eaten  in various dishes. Choose small papaya, because small seeds tend to have a milder taste, while large papaya seeds tend to be more bitter. Remove gently with one spoon, a leftover fruit pulp put the seeds in a colander, and rinse under running water. Methods of eating papaya seeds are many. One of the commune methods to consume papaya seeds is to chew the seeds of papaya. Papaya seeds                                                                                     ...

Passiflora plant benefits

  This plant belongs to the species Passiflora, a species that has about 400 types of Passiflora and is native to southwestern America. The passiflora plant grows in countries as Texas and Arizona. From the Passiflora plant species, about 60 species are edible. The fruit is a small berry, it tastes sweet, aromatic, and yellow when it is ripe. Ripped fruits of wild passion fruit are delicious, but they are also a rich source of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and fiber. 100 grams of fruit contain about 97 calories. The wild passion fruit of this passiflora plant has a rich content of vitamin C, about 30 milligrams per 100 grams, and a high content of vitamin A and flavonoid antioxidants, such as beta-carotene and Beta-cryptoxanthin. Passiflora_plant_making_soap Fruits have a fine foliage cloak, like was crochet very carefully by nature. The foliage of the passiflora plant fruits as you can observe from the photo makes foam, due to the saponins content, for this reason...

How easy way, to grow expensive tomatoes

Hello, are you fine there?  Cherry Tomato Easy Grow Here is how I grow my expensive tomatoes in an easy way. Cherry tomatoes are well-known as the most expensive tomatoes

One Fruit Must Try - Matoa fruit

 Hello there, Today is about a one fruit must try story. Tasty fruit, rare but easy to find in my country, when its season, this fruit is one of the most delicious fruits.  He grows in very tall trees in the forest from Papua, South and Southeast Asia even in Melanesia. One of these beautiful trees, he seems to be enthroned in my garden and makes a delight for my family, the name of the tree is Pometia Pinnata and its fruits name are Matoa fruits. Matoa - One Fruit Must Try Coquettish and elegant these fruits grow in branches and make the delight of people from a long time ago, they are tasty, juicy, and with a taste that resembles with litchi fruits, Longan fruits or rambutan but its taste is much delicious. Matoa fruits are the delight of many of us to find out why! To know the savor of these fruits people from American and European countries must give it a try when they come to visit Indonesia.  Also, people from other countries when they come to visit Indonesia, try t...

What is Jackfruit? Is Jackfruit whole food fruit?

The huge fruit, Jackfruit is the fruit of the Jack fruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) some of its names are: jak, jaca, nangka, and mit. Well known as very tasty fruit, this is one of the wonderful fruits due to several factors including the way to eat it raw when ripe, to cook it as a meat substitute when unripe but also to eat its seeds, fried or cooked as an alternative to a healthy snack.   Jackfruit slices can also be oven-dried, making healthy chips delicious. Moreover, unripe Jackfruit (Jackfruit recipe) has approximately the same taste like meat when cooked. Per 100 grams of Jackfruit contains 95 calories, about 23% carbohydrates, 2% protein, and 1% fat. The ripe fruit contains significant values ​​of vitamin B6, meaning 0.4 milligrams which represent 31% of the recommended daily dose of vitamin B6. Jackfruit seeds are also rich in protein, carbohydrates, and minerals, with a moderate amount of phytochemicals and strong antioxidant properties. How many of you know that the s...